What's missing? Let us know and we'll add it.
- Apps to Empower www.appstoempower.org a contest (Deadline April 30, 2013) that seeks to discover and showcase innovative tablet applications that help young women and girls become leaders, resolve conflicts, be mentored, find work, become entrepreneurs and realize their full potential through education. must be 18 or older to enter.
- Black Girls Code www.blackgirlscode.org teaches girls ages 7-16 from underrepresented communities about computer programming and digital technology. Events across the country show girls how to make their own websites, Android apps and more.
- Caminos www.caminos.org Caminos (Pathways Learning Center in San Francisco) promotes economic self-sufficiency and digital inclusion for Latina women. More than 3000 women have benefited from our computer literacy and workforce development programs since 1999. Caminos also serves hundreds of Latino families through its low-cost computer repair program. 1 minute video on Caminos 20 minute video on the digital divide
- Code www.code.org a non-profit foundation dedicated to growing computer programming education. Goals include (1) spreading the word that there is a worldwise shortage of computer programmers, and that it's much easier to learn to program than you think, and (2) building an authoritative database for all programming courses.
- Code 2040 http://code2040.org/ The CODE2040 Fellows Program matches high performing black and Latino undergraduate and graduate coders and software engineering students with Silicon Valley start-ups for summer internships, and also provides them with the insight, networks and support to ensure their successful participation in the high tech innovation economy. article
- Code Avengers www.codeavengers.com online javascript lessons aimed at high school classes for modest fees from for-profit company in New Zealand
- Code Club www.codeclub.org.uk British network of volunteer-led after school coding clubs for children ages 9 to 11. Mission: Give every child in the UK the chance to learn to code. It is our aim to have Code Clubs in 25% of primary schools in the UK by the end of 2015. @codeclub
- Code Ed www.codeed.org CodeEd teaches computer science to girls from underserved communities, starting in middle-school. We partner with schools and programs serving low-income girls and provide them with volunteer teachers, computer science course offerings, and computers.
- Code HS codehs.com csinhs.com article For-profit biz started by vigorous, enthusiastic Standford CS grads, with a great slogan "Read Write Code" and a vision of bringing teaching coding in every high school in America.
- Code Now: codenow.org Code Now focuses on developing the next pioneers in technology by teaching underserved youth foundational skills in computer science and programming in free, extra-curricular, off-campus trainings and boot camps. Each student who completes their program receives a netbook, mentoring and assistance finding internships. article Code graduates its first summer intern cohort 8-2013
- Codecademy www.codecademy.com Free online classes in javascript, HTML, CSS, Python, Ruby and jQuery. Sign up for their Code Year to learn programming basics and build interactive web sites.
- CoderDojo http://coderdojo.com/ a global collaboration providing free and open learning to young people, especially in programming technology. resource list great article with a 10 Minute Video of Coder Dojo in Dublin, including interviews with many of the kids and the young founder of the movement. "I was struck by their focus, their hunger for knowledge and their desire to build great products, but ultimately by how much fun they were having."
- CoderDojoTC www.coderdojotc.org There are CoderDojos all around the world, including this one just getting started in the Twin Cities, Minnesota.
- Code School www.codeschool.com Code School offers online educational courses that combine videos, coding in the browser, and gamification principles to make learning programming fun and effective. From the for-profit company Envy Labs, creators of the Rails for Zombies course. Costs $25/month
- Code Scouts codescouts.org/program.html A membership-based nonprofit helping women learn software development. "Resources are everywhere. Code Scouts brings the community."
- Computer Science Education Week csedweek.org is a "highly distributed celebration of the impact of computing and the need for computer science education." Details and data here. Inspired? Try this.
- Computer Science Teachers Association (CSTA) www.csta.acm.org is a strong voice for K-12 computer science education and teachers. Resources
- Coursera www.coursera.org Free, online university courses, e.g. Learn to Program: The Fundamentals. For other free online university courses, see Udacity and Ed-X.
- DataKind www.datakind.org Data has the potential to make hidden relationships crystal clear, to be a common language between people who might never have spoken, to inspire collaboration, to off er metrics for decision making, and to turn seemingly unrelated ideas into powerful insights that can solve the most complex and intractable problems we face.
- Digital Undivided www.digitalundivided.com A social enterprise that builds forward thinking initiatives that fundamentally hange the digital space by increasing the number of Black and Latina women digital entrepreneurs.
- Divas for Tech www.divas4tech.org Rocking tech for women and girls in Africa. Provides mentorship; promotes women's innovation and entrepreneurship in technology.
- Girl Develop It www.girldevelopit.com Girl Develop It is an international non-profit that exists to provide affordable and accessible programs to women who want to learn software development through mentorship and hands-on instruction.
- Girls in ICT Day girlsinict.org a global initiative to create a global environment that empowers and encourages girls and young women to consider careers in the growing field of information and communication technologies. Celebrated in April; next date is April 23, 2013 How to organize an event.
- Girls Learning Code www.girlslearningcode.com Founded by the same women who introduced Ladies Learing Code in 2011, Girls Learning Code is less about "code" and more about changing the world -- through teamwork, creativity and of course, technology.
- Girls Who Code www.girlswhocode.com Aiming to teach 1 million girls to code. The first 20 debuted their work in October 2012. article1 article2
- Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing http://gracehopper.org/2012/ brings thousands of women from around the world together every October. The next one is in Minneapolis from October 2-5, 2013. Sponsored by the Anita Borg Institute for Women in Technology which seeks to increase the impact of women on all aspects of technology and increase the positive impact of technology on the world's women.
- Hackbright Academy www.hackbrightacademy.com The Hackbright Academy Programming Fellowshop is a 10 week training program designed to help women become awesome programmers. We teach the fundamentals of modern web development then introduce you to Silicon Valley companies looking to expand their engineering teams. San Francisco.
- Hacker School www.hackerschool.com A fascinating outpost of the learn-to-program ecosystem, for serious adults: "Hacker School is a three-month, immersive school for becoming a better programmer. It's like a writers retreat for hackers. Unlike most schools, there are no grades, teachers, or formal curricula. Instead, Hacker School is entirely project-based. Because there is no certification or grading, the only reason to come to Hacker School is to become a better programmer. Hacker School is free and there are scholarships to help women with the cost of 3 months in New York.
- HackerYou http://hackeryou.com In Toronto, started by many of the Ladies Learning Code founders. Project-based learning in small classes from industry professionals about development design and entrepreneurship.
- Hidden Genius www.hiddengeniusproject.org The Hidden Genius Project provides black male youth in Oakland with the knowledge, skills, mentors and experiences to obtain and create technological jobs in this new, gloabl 21st century economy. Intensive 9 week summer program in Software Engineering, User Experience Design and Technology Entrepreneurship.
- Hopscotch www.gethopscotch.com is creating a
responsive development environment focused on teaching young kids to
program -- now available for the iPad. Here's their "learnable programming" philosophy. And here's their curriculum packet.
- ID Tech Camps www.internaldrive.com Highly-rated, very expensive, week-long summer camps for boys, girls, and teens ages 7 to 17 held on University campuses nationwide. for-profit company
- Lady Geek www.ladygeek.com a campaign agency changing the way tech and gaming companies speak to women and ending the "pink it and shrink it" approach. We are bridging the gulf between the people who make and market technology products and the women who buy them. Also runs "Little Miss Geek" awareness and after-school coding project. England.
- Latinas in Computing www.latinasincomputing.org
- Ladies in Tech ladiesintech.com Encouraging, celebrating and supporting women speakers at technology conferences. Website includes resources on public speaking, pep talks, advice on selecting topics and more. @ladies_in_tech
- Ladies Learning Code ladieslearningcode.com is a women-run not-for-profit group working to empower everyone to feel comfortable learning beginner-friendly technical skills in a social, collaborative way. Started in Toronto in June 2011 and expanding now to other cities, they host hugely popular 1 day workshops for women (men are welcome too) who are new to programming plus a variety of programs for girls. article
- Mouse www.mouse.org Mouse empowers underserved youth to learn, lead and create with technology, preparing them with skills essential for their academic and career success. There are 492 Mouse Squads so far, with lots of support and appealing challenges from the central organization. how to start a Mouse Squad in your school
- National Center for Women in Information Technology (NCWIT) www.ncwit.org talking points
- Processing processing.org is a programming language, development environment, and online community that since 2001 has promoted software literacy within the visual arts. Initially created to serve as a software sketchbook and to teach fundamentals of computer programming within a visual context, Processing quickly developed into a tool for creating finished professional work as well.
- Rails Girls www.railsgirls.com A worldwide non-profit started in Finland. Our aim is to make technology more approachable and to give tools and a community for women to understand {web} technology and to build their ideas.
- ScriptEd www.scriptednyc.org ScriptEd offers computer programming and web development courses to students in underserved schools in New York City. article
- Tech Girlz www.techgirlz.org is a non-profit organization dedicated to helping adolescent girls understand that a future in technology does not necessarily equate to a boring computer job, but instead transcends the cubicle into nearly every field imaginable. We hope to spark innovation, exhiliaration and motivation in young women to become tomorrow's tech leaders.
- Technovation Challenge technovationchallenge.org Technovation Challenge partners high school girls with professional women in tech and business to create and pitch mobile apps. 5 minute overview video and info on how to start a team. Summary of the program.
- Teen Tech Girls www.dayofthetechgirl.org http://teentechgirls.wikispaces.com/ Amalgam of good ideas, useful facts and links to resources and organizations. Virginia US
- Topcoder and Soco (School of Code) www.topcoder.com Teach a Kid to Code and Unlock their Future . . . game based, online instruction designed for 13-18 year-olds. free. See NoNameSite under Resources
- WebMaker webmaker.org WebMaker from Mozilla makes it easy to mash up and change any web page like magic. You can also create your own web pages to share with your friends, edit videos, make mobile apps and more, all within your browser. Great set of tools here including X-ray Goggles, Thimble, AppMaker and Popcorn.
- Web Start Women www.webstartwomen.com Powerboosting women coders and creators in Boston and Philadelphia article
- Young Rewired State http://youngrewiredstate.org/ a network of software developers and designers aged 18 and under. Its primary focus is to find and foster the young children and teenagers who are driven to teaching themselves how to code, how to program the world around them. Britian
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